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POSTED 04/03/2019

UPDATE 04/30/2019


Qualified applicants are invited to submit proposals in accordance with this RFP no later than: Friday, May 3, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.The Imperial County Department of Social Services (DSS) is requesting proposals from qualified applicants to address the immediate emergency needs of homeless individuals and individuals at imminent risk of homeless in the Imperial County.   

On September 5, 2018, the State of California Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council (HCFC) in conjunction with the Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency (Agency) announced the availability of Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) grant funding.  HEAP is a statewide $500 million block grant program designed to provide direct assistance to cities, counties and Continuums of Care (CoCs) to address the homelessness crisis throughout California.  HEAP is authorized by SB850, which was signed into law by Governor Edmund G. Brown on June 27, 2018. The Agency administers the HEAP Program.  The Imperial County Department of Social Services (ICDSS) is the authorized Administrative Entity or collaborative applicant for the Imperial Valley Continuum of Care Council’s (IVCCC) allocation of HEAP funds in the amount of $4,859,411.07, of which $4,616,441.00 will be eligible to fund projects awarded through this RFP.

This Request for Proposal (RFP) announcement provides the information and forms necessary to prepare a proposal for the IVCCC’s Homeless Emergency and Aid Program (HEAP) grant funds below.

Qualified applicants are invited to submit proposals in accordance with this RFP no later than: Friday, May 3, 2019 at 2:00 p.m.

​You can find the RFP instructions below or by visiting the following site:
County of Imperial Purchasing website:


Attendance to an Applicant Conference & Technical Assistance Workshop is a mandatory requirement for those interested in submitting a proposal. Applicants are required to register by email at:

Applicant must attend one of the following available scheduled workshop dates:

Date:          Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Time:          9:30 am   
Location:   2895 S. 4th St,                                       
                    (CalWORKS Bldg, RM A)         

                     El Centro, CA 92243

Date:         Friday, April 12, 2019
Time:          1:30 pm   
Location:   2895 S. 4th St,                                       
                    (CalWORKS Bldg, RM A)         

                     El Centro, CA 92243


Posted 4/23/2019 - ​  Due to unavailable county systems and emails, the question and answer period has been extended until close of business day, Thursday, April 25th, 2019.It is highly recommended that any questions submitted after Friday April 12th to any county email be resubmitted to ensure it was received to the following address: Answers to questions received by April 19th, will be posted on or before Friday, April 26th at the Imperial Valley Continuum of Care website:  Questions submitted after will be posted by Tuesday, April 28th. 

Posted 4/16/2019 - ​  Due to county systems down, questions concerning the HEAP proposal process should be submitted in writing during the Question and Answer (Q&A) period noted in the Timeline table as noted in page 5 of the RFP.  All questions should be submitted by April 19, 2019 to Imperial County Purchasing Department Contact at:

County of Imperial Purchasing Department
Phone:          (442) 265-1866
Subject line:  Questions to HEAP RFP 19-0003

Request for Proposal Documents

  1. Imperial County 2019 HEAP RFP Instructions for Release -Amendment No. 1 - 4 23 19 - Amended 4/23/19

  2. Imperial County 2019 HEAP RFP Application Template Attachment A- Amended 4 23 19 - Amended 4/23/19

  3. 19-0286 DSS Sample HEAP RFP Agreement Attachment B

  4. Imperial County HEAP Executed Contract Attachment C

  5. Imperial County HEAP RFP Amendment No. 2- Questions & Answers - Posted 4-26-19

  6. Imperial County HEAP RFP Amendment No. 3- Questions & Answers - Posted 4-30-19

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